Trang chủ Đơn hàng Thông tin

Set via trắng no2fa+ 9 tk limit 5m8 VNĐ quốc gia PH lách thuế ( VNĐ, múi giờ +7, quốc gia Philippines )- Set White account no2fa keep 9 Ads account limit 5m8 VNĐ nation PH no tax (currency VNĐ, time zone +7, nation Philippines)


Bảo hành checkpoint trong 8h, cần backup tài khoản sau khi nhận - Warranty checkpoint in 8h, need backup admin after receive
Bảo hành tụt limit (Không bảo hành giới hạn chi tiêu khi VPCS) - Warranty drop limit (No warranty for drop daily limit because ad account not complying with Advertising Policies). Thời gian bảo hành 2 ngày kể từ lúc mua hàng - 2 days warranty from purchased time

1. Refresh your IP if showed incorrect password (change VPN - reset router...)
2. DO NOT request reset password because warranty checkpoint will expire after that
3. Recovery email get code from domain
Other showed please CONTACT TO ADMIN for support (in working time)


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